Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Wool House exhibition at the Somerset House

a child's room at the Wool House exhibit

After several days of arriving back in London, I feel a bit settled now. Lexy was ill with a terrible food poisoning and for a few days, we could not do much.
But she is feeling much better( Thank you lord!!!!) and today we had such a lovely day together. I met her at Somerset house after her lecture at King's College next door, where she studies English Literature. The exhibit is called Wool House, and it was one of the most enjoyable exhibition I have seen. I was so happy to just take in these gorgeous crafts.

It runs till this Sunday, and I am planning to go back with better camera with Arielle, she is coming in a few days from Israel and I can't wait to go back there with her. This exhibition was just so stunning. I didn't expect it to be as large as it was. I expected few rooms with some woolly crafts but it completely exceeded my expectation and I was so impressed. Hats off to the curator. She did an amazing job.

Lexy in a apparel room with Vivienne Westwood creation

My favorite rooms were a child's room and a very rustic country room. I left the catalog at the tea room at the Savoy( I know, that will need another blog all together) where we ate after the exhibition... bummer. So I can not recall the designer's names but here is the website for more information.

child's room

The rustic room

love the wooden cross
workshop in progress

me being happy
This exhibition is a dream for people who love arts and crafts. And it is free. If you are in London, it is so worth a visit.

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