Wednesday, 13 March 2013

ready to move on

I painted this from Arielle's preschool photo

Only a few days and I will say goodbye to Israel and move in permanently(at least for a few years) to our London hole.  We had bought a lot of IKEA furniture, two TVs and so much other stuff here in Israel.  I am selling it all for practically nothing and today they will come to take them.  Finally I feel like closing this chapter of my unstable life here in Israel.  Israel can be a wonderful place, but this time around I really didn't enjoy it at all. It feels great to be getting out of here.

As I was packing again, found this painting I did for Arielle's room in our French country home. I used acrylic paint thinned with water, almost like water color.
I really love doing, kitchy, almost primitive style of paintings,  a lot more than academic based art with so much meaning(or b.s.) attached to it.  Simple arts and crafts, especially ones you can integrate into your everyday life and be able to use it seems to me more meaningful for me at this stage of my life.

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