Thursday, 13 November 2014

getting used to being back in America

Our endless amount of stuff has finally arrived from Israel via London.  I have been busy trying to shed some of the things that we don't use anymore.  I have been selling our nice, sellable things on eBay and the business has been booming.  Especially popular are our collections of American Girl dolls.  They travelled more than most of people.  They lived in London, Israel and France with us and some went to their new loving homes with the help of eBay.

The house is still filled with boxes and unloaded things, or stuff, mostly useless.  I just can not believe why does anyone need so much stuff.... dishes, games, computers, electronics... and so many clothes... of which 90% I rarely wear.  I have to stop buying and start selling more.

our little living room is furnished, although messy with boxes and stuff
We are settling back alright here in Irvine.  I try my best not to miss London so much...all the museums, hackney picture house, London fields, Broadway Market and their amazing food, whoever says English food is bad doesn't really experienced the country in the proper way, their food is amazing.  I am sorry my fellow Americans, but we really are lagging behind in the food department.... and few more areas,  than Europe.

I have been walking daily since I moved back here.  My neighbourhood is so wide, spacious and pleasant.  I do enjoy my quiet meditative walks alone.  You see only few people passing by on the walk in such a large and impeccably manicured, surreal village. I guess most of people are at work during early evenings, to pay for their expensive homes and their Mercedes and BMW's. 

As for my crafty part of life, I have been enjoyed crocheting lately.  I started a project from a Japanese instruction book(amazing publishers), which is translated into Korean.  These marvellous Japanese craft books are the best of the best, and are translated in so many different languages. Even French has been translating whole array of them for a long time(although it has only recently started to translate in English). I have piled up quite a collection but there is not enough time to make so many.

But here is my new project

If anyone is interested, I can put up the pattern in my next posting.  Just leave me a comment.

Namaste, Happy Thursday!